Company Information
Industry 交通运输、仓储和邮政业
Company Introduction 广西五洲交通股份有限公司在98年进行了资产置换,置换入平王路、南梧路部分路段的全部资产,目前公司主要经营着平王路、南梧路和金宜路三条公路的收费、房地产和物流业务.此外,公司还接受广西交通厅委托经营,管理着南梧路木乐至苍梧段以及贵港至玉林路段桥圩收费站.房地产业务方面,公司开发的几个项目都带有福利性质,盈利能力不强.子公司万通物流旗下东兴子公司已发展成东兴口岸目前规模最大的物流公司,依托交通部门在口岸建设上的垄断优势,并随着东盟贸易往来的活跃,近年来发展势头良好。
Main Business 收费公路,商贸物流、房地产开发与销售等
Legal Representative 周异助
Top Executives
董事:玉莉,张劢,许国平,孟杰 ,黄英强,杨旭东,王小雪
Top 5 Shareholder
Shareholder name Nature Holding Date
Company Secretary 玉莉
Solicitors 竞天公诚律师事务所
Auditors 深圳鹏城会计师事务所
Tel No 0771-5512488;0771-5518383;5525323
Fax No 0771-5518111
Company Address
Register: 广西南宁市良庆区庆歌路20号富雅国际商务大厦A座43层
Office: 广西壮族自治区南宁市民族大道115-1号现代国际大厦27层
Listing Date 21/12/2000
Shares Capital
Shares Capital: 1,609,653,858
Total A Share: 1,609,653,858
Listed A Share: 1,609,653,858
Non-tradable A Share: 0
Other Share: 0
Total B Share: 0
Total H Share: 0
EPS(RMB)* ¥ 0.534
DPS(RMB)* ¥ 0.107
NBV Per Share(RMB)* ¥ 5.092
Market Capitalization(RMB) 6.777B
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 : Eligible Stock for SH-HK Northbound trade (For all investors/ For institutional professional investors only)
 : Eligible Stock for SH-HK Ex-Northbound trade (sell only)
 : Eligible Stock for SZ-HK Northbound trade (For all investors/ For institutional professional investors only)
 : Eligible Stock for SZ-HK Ex-Northbound trade (sell only)
* Unadjusted Data
Information provided by: etnet
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